My last Newsletter for 2024 is now out. It includes information about the importance of nineteenth-century ship board diaries, a diary...
Death Ships - Life and Death on Six Big Emigrant Ships
My book 'Death Ships' continues to attract good reviews. A reviewer (Sassy Reviews) recently posted a great review on Goodreads as...
My book about colonial artist Samuel Thomas Gill was launched at the Book Cow bookshop in Canberra on Thursday evening. We had a great...
Artist S.T. Gill Book Now Available
My book about colonial artist Samuel Thomas Gill has been released by the publisher. Copies can be obtained from the publisher Shawline...
New Book - Colonial Artist S.T. Gill
Copies of my latest book about the life of colonial artist Samuel Thomas Gill have arrived. The book includes over 130 images of Gill's...
Colonial Artist S.T. Gill - New Book
My book about colonial artist Samuel Thomas Gill is at last soon to be released. I have used a number of Gill's wonderful images to tell...
The Artist of the Goldfields
Samuel Thomas Gill was know as the artist of the goldfields because of the enormous number of images he created in the 1850s of activity...
Death Ships - An Incredible Story
The Australian gold rush started in 1851 and had an incredible and almost immediate impact on the colonies. Hundreds moved to the...
Death Ships - Life & Death at Sea in the 19th Century
The only way to get to the Australian colonies in the nineteenth century was by ship. It was a long journey travelling half way around...
Incredible Images of Nineteenth-Century Australia
Many people will be familiar with the wonderful watercolour paintings of colonial Australia created by artist Samuel Thomas Gill,...