Bowel Cancer Now Affecting the Young
Some alarming data released recently showing that the age of people being diagnosed with bowel cancer is falling. There are apparently now young people in their twenties with bowel cancer. While we have known for a long time that the rate is higher in developed countries (USA, Canada, EU countries, New Zealand and Australia) and that the rate its almost the same amongst men and women its for a long time generally been considered a disease affecting the 50+ group. Does the drop in age have to do with lifestyle changes such as a fast food diet and increasing sedentary pastime (lack of exercise)? We need to wait to find out what research shows us.
What we do know is that bowel cancer is one of the most preventable forms of cancer. This is one of the reasons that I wrote my memoir about my experience in dealing with bowel cancer.
I would not want anyone to go through the experience and pain I had during my two years of treatment and many periods in hospital.
I recently had an email from a person that read my book and decided to have a colonoscopy. He wrote to say thank you for writing the book as he had some very nasty looking polyps which were removed and were likely to become cancerous.